Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Random Stuff: June

Sorry I posted this late. I've been very busy.

1. I have decided on my list of camp books. Check back on June 16th for my list.

2. My Culture Project on James Fontaine is finally done. I know that I got at least an A- on it. My presentation was supposed to be at least 10-15 minutes. Instead, it was 19 minutes long.

3. Hooray!!! School ends one week from today. And the last day is only 20 minutes per period. The second to last day is field day.

4. Hooray!!! Again! Next Saturday, the 14th is the day when I go to sleep-away camp. Sadly, starting then, I wont be able to post until early July. :(

5. I will soon be posting on two movies I've seen recently: Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skulls and The Princess Bride. Both are great movies!

6. My brothers have both gotten new video games. It is very distracting when your working on school projects.

7. Speaking of school projects, I have another big project for school. It is a Baseball Statistics Project for school. We were supposed to pick a player and I chose Chipper Jones from the Atlanta Braves.

8. I can't think of any thing else to say.

9. Wait, one last thing. I'm going to have my contest to win a copy of Farworld: Water Keep by J Scott Savage soon, before I go to camp. I'll announce the winner when I get back from camp. Bye!

1 comment:

Andrew Clarke said...

Hi Brian, I love reading too. I also want to write my own. If you enjoy any fantasy titles, such as "The Lord Of The Rings", may I suggest another one to try? "Outcasts Of Skagaray" is a fantasy action adventure, which you can preview free by going to www.threeswans.com.au and reading the sample chapters. My blog,if you feel like visiting, is http://threeswans.blogspot.com I would love it if you read my novel and enjoyed it, but whatever, I wish you well. Happy reading and best wishes.