Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Karate + WASLs

First of all, WASLs ARE HERE!!!! I just took the reading 1WASL today. I think I did pretty well. Here is the WASL schedule (as far as I know.): Reading 1 (done,) Writing 1, Reading 2, Writing 2, Math 1, and Math 2. Tomorrow, I have to take Writing 1! Duh duh duhhhhh. Here comes my doom, so wish me luck.

Second of all, Great job Ezra! Today, he passes his belt test (I didn't even know it was testing day) to advance to blue belt. Since Jordan and I took an extra week of karate camp, we were blue belts already, but since we weren't ready to test yet (the blue belt form is hard,) Ezra will finally be the same belt as us. Congratulations Ezra!!!


J Scott Savage said...

So are WASLs like OWLs? Did you have to turn a rat into a tea cup?

Lauren said...

Hey that's exciting. I have a test in Kung-Fu today. If all six of us don't pass we don't get to learn the next part of the first form. :( We are so going to pass today!!! *I hope*

Brian said...

Good Luck Sunbum! Tell me how it goes.

Brian said...

Not quite... but I wish they were! That would be awesome!!! But they use the acronyms the same way.

Brian said...

Wait... is acronyms the right word for that?